Let OFF LIMITS PRESS format your manuscript!

Off Limits Press will format your manuscript for Kindle and paperback editions, delivering professional copy for digital uploads and for publishing on services such as IngramSpark and KDP.

Let us create something that will make your book stand out! Our process is simple, efficient, and interactive. You will be involved in decision-making at every level. We’re not satisfied until you are, and payment is not due until the finished product arrives in your inbox.

Check out our pricing below. Contact us at offlimitspressllc@gmail.com to get started today!

Standard Digital/Paperback formatting for Novels/Novellas/single-author collections: $50

Standard Digital/Paperback formatting for multiple author anthologies: $100

ePub files produced for ARCs, etc. at only $25.

Need something a little out of the ordinary? Contact us at offlimitspressllc@gmail.com to discuss pricing/timelines.


"I loved working with W. Dale Jordan on the interior design and formatting for Moonflowers and Nightshade. He's professional and dependable. Highly recommend!"—Samantha Kolesnik